Saturday, June 19, 2010

Camree's Hospital Poem

I wrote this poem for my sister, Camree, while she was in the hospital, after getting stabbed in her ovary.

Oh, how you must hate the hospital,
It simply is no fun,
You'll be gone soon, the doctor says,
But it's now that you want to make a run,
Of all the bad places you have been,
The hospital is the worst,
And when you're allowed, you'll be out the door very first,
The plastic food they give you,
Could make Hades fall down flat,
And all the while, you'd rather be sleeping,
Tucked away like a bat,
But throughout the whole experience, remember that
Soon enough you'll be home,
standing on the welcome mat.

1 comment:

  1. AWWW< baby your sweet!! i LOVED THE POEM, thanks hun
