Thursday, July 22, 2010

Red Reilly Roo

Reilly is a red head,
With orange curly hair
If ever a tear i shed,
She is always there.

Rye is my best friend,
Faithful as can be
Always there, a hand to lend,
She's everything to me.

Squirt makes me laugh a lot,
The hardest I'll ever know
And can say it without a though,
That she is always putting on a show.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Eve is tall and slim
Blowing in the breeze,
She makes the sun look dim
And some people sneeze.

Eve has long roots
That grow under the ground
Sometimes she makes fruits
That are beautifully round.

Eve has leaves that are green
And a trunk of brown
That forever will lean
Toward the ground.

She is strong and sturdy
Grounded in her soil
There she'll forever be
Through all life's turmoil.

Eve is very tall
She reaches up towards the sky
Sometimes her leaves may fall
But she will never die.

What is Eve?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Best Thing

They say the best thing in life is money,
At least that's what I hear
But there is something missing from the sound,
Of all those coins clanging in my ear

They say the best thing in life is fashion,
At least that's what I'm told
But there is something missing from the sound,
Of clothes being bought and sold

They say the best thing in life is fame,
At least that's what is taught
But there is something missing from the sound,
Of fans being caught

They say the best thing in life is family,
That is what i know,
And there is nothing missing from the sound,
Of them helping me to grow.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Fire Ants

Yesterday we went to watch fireworks to celebrate the 4th of July. When we were there, me and my brother got bitten by fire ants. It was very painful so me and Camree decided to write a poem about it.

I wish that fire ants would die,
They are even more obnoxious than a fly
3 bites from one mean bug,
For a tiny thing he's awfully smug,
Now I know why they are called fire ants,
because the burning made me do a dance,
And I hope that uncle Sam is glad,
though I am certainly quite mad,
For it was on his special day,
That brought me here to say,
While to my country i give love,
Of these ants I've had enough!